About Us

'Your natural state is to be happy, peaceful, joyous and full of excitement at being alive. In this natural state you wake up each morning eager to start the day. You feel wonderful about yourself, your relationships and your work.'

Your PRIMARY GOAL should be to organise your life in such a way that this is how you should feel most of the time.

If you are unhappy or dissatisfied in any part of your life, something is not right in your THOUGHTS, FEELINGS or ACTIONS and it needs to be corrected.

International Research and Education Council (I.R.E.C) is a counselling platform that offers top experts, resources and standards all over the world in MENTORING and COUNSELLING.

It is a center of excellence whose ambit spreads over the key areas of our lives covering Personal/Emotional, Career and In-Job counselling and Success Training. Counselling is undertaken by Registered Clinical Counselors under the supervision of a registered psychologist and Certified Career Counselors and Success Experts.

For Personal/Emotional/Career/In-job Counselling and Success Training I.R.E.C. offers best guidance through its team of experts and therapists.

Our aim is to make you happy, self confident, self-aware being, who fosters strong relationships and lead productive and fulfilling lives. You are able to handle life's inevitable challenges, bounce back when bad things happen and can manage stress without falling apart. Consequently you will be more in control of your emotions and behaviour. We welcome you to this new journey of becoming your own boss.
